Polar Bear

polar bear Cub cute picsThe polar bear is an endangered species of bear that lives in the far north of the polar ice and extending as far away as Canada, Denmark, Norway and Russia. It is the largest land predator lives with 25000-40000 roaming in the Arctic. Female polar bears reach sexual maturity at about five years and their descendants are comparatively much smaller than human babies with a weight of only about one pound at birth.

Usually give birth to two live young who spend their first winter months of his life in a cave in a snowdrift. You emerge in spring and grow in one year to the man of size, if provided with an abundance of food. The average male bears weigh about 1400 pounds and stood three feet high. The female of the species weighs 650 pounds and stands proudly at a height of seven meters.

One fact about polar bear, you might not know is that their fur is not white, but each hair is a hollow tube, colorless, reflected sunlight during the day. This serves to keep the bear warm, because the skin is oily, it does not mat when wet, so it can easily shake off excess water and ice that form after swimming.

See also Polar Bear photos below:

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